
I’m Dr. Jhovani Aguirre, Aesthetic Dentist

“It’s not about the teeth…
It’s about the life that
your smile inspires you to live.”​


I’m Dr. Jhovani Aguirre, Aesthetic Dentist

“It’s not about the teeth…
It’s about the life that
your smile inspires you to live.”​


I’m Dr. Jhovani Aguirre M.
Aesthetic Dentist

“It’s not about the teeth…
It’s about the life that
a smile inspires u to live.”​

An Expert Consultation
for a Confident Smile​

If you have any issue submitting your Online Consultation, please send your info and your photos showing all angles of your teeth directly to our email cons@drjhovaniaguirre.com, WA or Ig. Make sure all teeth are clear and visible.

Successfully Completed Treatments

How does our
Online Consultation work?

Information Gathering

Make sure to complete our Online Consultation, sending high-quality images that match the provided references. This will allow us to better understand your case and your needs.

Assessment and Proposal

Dr. Jhovani Aguirre M. will carefully review your case, and we’ll provide you with the best treatment options, along with a detailed quote and available dates for your consideration.

Scheduling and Preparation

After you choose the dates that best fit your schedule for the procedure, we’ll schedule your appointments and ensure that we’re fully prepared for your visit.

Successfully Completed Treatments

How does our ​Online Consultation work?

Information Gathering

Make sure to complete our Online Consultation, sending high-quality images that match the provided references. This will allow us to better understand your case and your needs.

Assessment and Proposal

Dr. Jhovani Aguirre M. will carefully review your case, and we’ll provide you with the best treatment options, along with a detailed quote and available dates for your consideration.

Scheduling and Preparation

After you choose the dates that best fit your schedule for the procedure, we’ll schedule your appointments and ensure that we are fully prepared for your visit.

Smile Design with Porcelain Veneers

Our Design offers a comprehensive transformation of your smile by improving the shape, size, color, and alignment of your teeth, as well as your bite. Our thin and durable ceramic laminates used in this procedure are the key to achieving a Natural, Aesthetic & Harmonious Smile.

Our Design offers a comprehensive transformation of your smile by improving the shape, size, color, and alignment of your teeth, as well as your bite. Our thin and durable ceramic laminates used in this procedure are the key to achieving a Natural, Aesthetic & Harmonious Smile.

Custom Porcelain Designs

Personalized designs and custom veneers tailored to your needs and preferences, with a range of porcelain tones to choose from.

The Best Price Guarantee

The best price for 100% E.max Porcelain Veneers with 20 years duration, without worrying about that they will stain or lose their shine.

Natural & Top-Notch Results

By upholding top aesthetic and quality standards, we achieve natural and functional results, avoiding any artificial look.

Unique & Harmonious Smiles

We consider proportions, facial shape, skin tones, and eye colors to create Unique & Harmonious Smiles.

Made in Medellín

Your smile will be crafted in Medellín, the most modern, welcoming, and secure city in Colombia for medical procedures.

Our Smile Transformations

Experience a Smile Makeover
with Porcelain Veneers
in just 4 days!​

Experience a Smile Makeover
with Porcelain Veneers
in just 4 days!​

Experience a
Smile Makeover
with Porcelain Veneers
in just 4 days!​

X-ray taking.
Taking photographs and videos.
Deep cleaning.
Medical history.
Discussion of the results.*
Preparation of your teeth.
Aesthetic gum contouring.
Taking impressions.
Placement of temps.
Duration: 4 to 6 hours.

* Before proceeding with the preparation of the teeth and gums, we take the time to talk with you about your needs, expectations, and desires. Based on this information and your own facial and oral characteristics, we’ll carry out a detailed planning of your case and discuss with you the result that we can achieve until we ensure that we’re in agreement.

We’ll work meticulously in the laboratory with no downtime to create your customized veneers according to the treatment plan we’ve agreed upon.

Take advantage of this time to get to know and enjoy our city. You can participate in tours and guided visits with our driver to explore Medellín and its surroundings.

Furthermore, we’ll be available to assist you with anything you need during your stay here.

Cleaning of your teeth.
Testing and adaptation of the veneers.
Showing the final result.*
Final cementation.
Creation of nightguard protectors.
Taking final photographs and videos.
Duration: 4 to 6 hours.

* Before proceeding with the final cementation, we’ll show you how the final result will look. During this stage, you’ll have the opportunity to review and modify any detail to ensure that you’re completely satisfied with the appearance of your veneers. Our goal is to ensure that the final result meets your expectations.

We’ve designed a FULL TREATMENT PACKAGE to provide you with a complete and smooth experience, free from worries and inconveniences during your stay.

We’ve designed a
to provide you with a complete and smooth experience, free from worries and inconveniences during your stay.




Deep Cleaning

Gum Contouring

Temporary Restorations

Nightguard protectors


Our commitment to honesty and transparency guarantees that you will not have any additional surprise costs.


Out of 5

What My Patients Say​?

Yosef Levi

– New York, US

For years I lived with the frustration of having small and spaced teeth, feeling embarrassed to smile. I consulted with several dentists who said my case needed surgery or braces, and no one dared to treat me.

At first, I had doubts about Dr. Aguirre’s treatment plan, I said yes, but I just didn’t believe it. But the day I saw my new teeth, they totally blew me away! I appreciate the amazing work done! I know how tough it was, but they’ve totally changed my life!


Kaitlyn Riso

– Vancouver, CA

I’ve had a huge fear of going to the dentist since I was a child, and even though I wanted to fix my teeth for a long time, I never dared to. A friend recommended Dr. Jhovani to me, but before deciding, I asked for a video call to discuss the treatment and get to know him. From that moment, I felt great confidence in him, so I decided to go for it, and the result has been incredible!

Dear Dr. Jhovani, I can’t express how wonderful the entire experience was for me! I am truly happy to have found you. I can’t thank you enough ❤️ It’s really rare to find someone who makes you feel so safe ❤️ And as for my smile, I am more than happy with it. Thank you for everything!


Sophy Rodriguez

– Miami, Florida, US

Already had veneers, but they didn’t suit me. Bad experience—they didn’t show them beforehand, and the final result was off, they were too big. So I switched to Dr. Jhovani.

His approach was miles better. No pain despite sensitivity from previous work. The doctor is just amazing! His care, gentleness, patience…

Felt truly heard. He got what I wanted from the start and, of course, showed me the new veneers beforehand. Now I feel relief and trust in the result I wanted. Hoping they last forever. Thanks a lot, doc!


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Smile without Limits!

We don't limit ourselves in offering you the best! We can provide any other necessary service to complement your Smile Transformation. Our comprehensive treatment covers a wide variety of Essential & Specialized Services, working closely with Experts in other areas to provide you with the best options.

During the Online Consultation, feel free to mention any other issue you wish to address. Also, if we identify anything unusual in the photos you send us, we'll provide detailed feedback along with the corresponding quote. We're here to provide you with the best possible care and meet your needs comprehensively.

About Me

Creating Tangible Smiles!​

I'm Dr. Jhovani Aguirre, a dentist from the University of Antioquia. My passion, practice, and studies are focused on dental rehabilitation and aesthetics. I've 5 years of real experience, during which I've collaborated with the most prominent clinics in Medellín, renowned internationally for our Smile Designs.

During this time, we've enhanced the smiles of over 160 patients, mostly foreigners, using ceramics. Even in dozens of cases that seemed impossible to treat at first glance, we've achieved Successful Results.

I invite you to complete our Online Consultation. No matter how complex you think your case is, or if other specialists have turned you away, I'm absolutely convinced that there's always a solution in dentistry, without it having to be excessively expensive.

I look forward to transforming your smile and positively impacting your life!

Debunking Myths about Ceramic Veneer
Smile Design